Investment Insights

Scott Hoxer serves as Chief Investment Officer for Alliance Wealth Advisors, writing about investment insights and providing market commentary. 

Economics, Elections, and Geopolitics

Markets are complicated systems driven by almost innumerable variables, but generally speaking, ...

Investment Insights Winter 2023

Rebound year? 2022 was a particularly challenging year for markets and one ...

Investment Insights Summer 2023

Summer Heat For large swathes of the United States, the summer of ...
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Investment Insights Spring 2023

Fact or Fiction? 2023 has been mixed in terms of economic data ...

Investment Insights August 2022

What Does Autumn Hold? Every year as we enter the end of ...

Investment Insights June 2022

Anatomy of a Bear Market As of the time of this writing ...

Investment Insights April 2022

Reasons for Optimism For many months running, the headlines in popular press ...

Investment Insights February 2022

2022 Outlook 2022 has dawned with heightened volatility and concerns that a ...

Investment Insights April 2021

International Markets Amidst the events of the past year, much investor focus ...

December 2020 Investment Insights

As the dust has somewhat settled on a chaotic and contentious election ...

September 2020 Investment Insights

It has become cliché to talk about 2020 as a historic and ...

February 2020 Investment Insights

Of Bitcoin and Bubbles As 2021 has begun, markets and asset prices ...